Self Defense Training with Tony Blauer

Self Defense Specialist Tony Blauer | Living.Fit Show
Our own Marcus Martinez catches up with Self Defense Expert, Coach Tony Blauer on this edition of the Living.Fit Show. Coach Tony Blauer has been in the martial art, self-defense, defensive tactics, and combatives industry for over four decades. He is one of the only Combative experts who has successfully affected training across all the combat-related communities: self-defense, combat sports, and the military & law enforcement sector. His self defense techniques are renowned for their effectiveness.
His research on physiology and mindset as it relates to confrontation management has influenced over three decades of reality-based martial artists and enhanced the survivability of law enforcement, military, and emergency services personnel around the world. He founded Blauer Tactical Systems (BTS) in 1985 and it has grown into one of the world's leading consulting companies specializing in the research and development of performance psychology, personal safety, and close quarter tactics & scenario-based training for law enforcement, military, and professional self-defense. His self defense strategies have become a cornerstone in personal safety training.