Barbell Floor Press: Substitute for Bench Press

How To Do A Barbell Floor Press
To properly do a barbell floor press, start from the rack or being handed it by your partner. From here you're going to get your points of contact feet, hips, head and shoulders on the ground. This barbell press on floor technique is crucial for stability.
The barbell press on floor involves pressing the weight up with the goal to fully lockout. And then when you return, elbows all the way to the ground as you do this.
What you don't want is any excessive lordotic arching of the back, and you want to make sure your hands are the right width apart.
So you're looking at the same width as you would with barbell bench press on floor, which means they're going to be a little bit wider than your shoulders.
Who Benefits The Most From This?
The floor press is not just a great home workout variation, but it's great for anyone looking to improve lockout strength and is a great variation for anyone with shoulder issues or recovering from injuries! The barbell floor press benefits include being a shoulder friendly chest exercise and a fantastic bench press substitute.
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